Wednesday, January 04, 2006

1st Purple Cow Award

Head-Smashed-In is proud to announce the awarding of the first Purple Cow Award for excellence in Practical Jokery. While we've had some hum-dingers of practical jokes played upon various of us at one time or another, with the new year and our extremely gradual (some would say imperceptible) maturation, it has become advantageous to formalize our recognition of excellence in this field. (Perhaps it is our quality processes rubbing off on Smashed).

Unfortunately, it is unknown to whom the award should be given for this contribution to the advancement of the state of the art. Surely the authors of this act must have been influenced by the now-famous study of the efficacy of tin-foil hats. Perhaps they were worried that JM's furniture would be influenced by the government into somehow betraying JM upon his return to the office.


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