
Cop or Copper
While commonly believed to be an acronym for Constable On Patrol, the term refers to "one who captures or snatches". This word first appeared in the early 18th century, and can be matched with the word "cap", which has the same meaning and whose etymology can be traced to the Latin word 'capere'. (The word retains this meaning in other contexts: teenagers "cop a feel" on a date, and they have also been known to "cop an attitude".) Variation: Copper. It is also believed that the term Copper was the original, unshortened word, popularly believed to represent the copper badges American officers used to wear at the time of origin, but in fact probably used in Britain to mean "someone who cops" long before this.
Turns out that one should not drive the wrong way into a construction zone, or one may be obliged to experience taking a warning, a ticket, or worse.
Thankfully for RA, at least one of Waltham's finest was so flabbergasted at his behavior that he let RA proceed on his way unmolested.
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