
Today's rumor is that something BIG is going to happen tomorrow.
Maybe Lehman's CDSs will only fetch $0.10 on the dollar. Maybe MetLife has issues? Or Morgan Stanley?
it's lehman. tomorrow the bonds settle out a about 10 cents. 400bn in CDS's on lehman debt. someone is getting a $360bn beating. coincidence that suddenly AIG needs another 37bn, doubt it. MS, MS, and the whole insurance complex likely victims. piles of hedge funds as well.CR has Krugman saying:
Stock prices are, however, the least of our worries. The money markets are [still !!] frozen; the TED spread is 4.14%. (CR: now 4.23 9:00 AM - 4.46...)and finally, from "You Cannot Patch a Busted Dam With Water":
G7 meeting tomorrow, IMF-World Bank over the weekend. Now is the time for major action — an announcement of coordinated capital injections, liquidity measures, and more. If we’ve had nothing except vague assurances by Monday ...
One of the reasons central bankers panicked into mass rate cuts is a huge mass of adjustable rate mortgages is about to reset. The rate cuts were a big attempt to force down LIBOR...Dow 5000 anyone?
Rate cuts failed big time to stem the surge in LIBOR.
Update: What do you know? GSIG is holding up... (or not).
Update: Oh, and: "International Trade Seizing Up Due to Banking Crisis (Updated)"
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