JFK Love Child?

Mr. Jack Worthington may be just that:
Alleged JFK love child says he's key to U.S. history
By Denise Ryan, The Vancouver Sun, February 14
VANCOUVER - Jack Worthington, the alleged love child of former United States president John F. Kennedy, believes there is more at stake around revelations of his existence than mere biology or voyeuristic interest.
"My existence is a potential Rosetta Stone for a confusing period of American history, and not the main story itself," he said yesterday.
The idea that Mr. Worthington -- who was born on Nov. 22, 1961, two years to the day before the assassination of JFK in Dallas -- may be the placeholder of a missing piece of the puzzle around Mr. Kennedy's life and death will no doubt galvanize the world.
Since the New York Post published an item last week revealing that Vanity Fair had killed a politically controversial story on an unnamed B.C. man who is said to be an unknown son of JFK, the world media has descended on the Lower Mainland.
It has been a nerve-racking week, said Mr. Worthington, who praised Canadian news outlets for their discretion.
"Britney (Spears) should be so lucky," he added with a rueful laugh. "If it had happened in another place, the media response might not have been so civilized."
See also: JFK's 'love child' alleged to be living in Vancouver

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