CP goes home with SPAM 4-Pack and other stories from the Winter Social!

Special to the HSI Blog
RS pulled off another very fun and successful Winter Social Friday Night. Helping out this year was "Jimmy Jazz and the Sound Machine" (our very own JT wearing some real cool suspenders) with Tunes for both cocktail hour and DANCING till almost midnight. In a sad twist of fate, both LL - dancing promoter and RA - MP3 tune provider were both on injured reserve (flu) and unable to attend. Their contributions were noted throughout the evening as many of their songs were enjoyed.
The event was well attended (except a notable complete "no show" from our Software Department). The youngest attendee was 8 month old BD who showed up and entertained the cocktail hour crowd until after 'hitting the bottle' early passed out for the rest of the evening. VS was a first timer this year. CC and JT's date (both their spouses were unavailable) started off slow but picked up when the dancing got going in earnest. We missed perennial favorite MAS who did not attend we assume because RA was ill. Our own MS had the Best Tie of the night (but please don't tell the landlord he had snow men on his tie). Rumors that LL did not show because she was worried sick over having her boyfriend meet us are much overrated. A group photo on the stairwell was attempted. JM and RD delivered inspirational toasts during the dinner hour.
Food was great this year from appetizers (mini potato pancakes, egg rolls, spinach triangles, chicken quesadillas, and crab Rangoon) to dinner (choice of beef, seafood, or veggie). Desert was a bit rich (to this reviewers taste) chocolate cake.
Yankee Swap:
In a controversial move, RD started the Yankee Swap with the highest number (rookie GB) and worked back to #1 (CL). Wine and wine paraphernalia dominated the gifts this year, and two helicopters and a George Foreman grill were sought after items. Trading was frequent throughout this traditional event. XN was so happy to get red wine in honor of New Years that it prompted NR to take a gift from MS (bottle opener) instead. WL was happy to grab an OBAMA book from T for his political junkie son. Of course "can't have too many toys" NT went home with one of the helicopters.
Rookie GB started off weak by picking first and selecting a four pack of SPAM as the opening gift. This deluxe kit was not taken away from him by all comers despite coming complete with recipes for great favorites like SPAMtacular Party Dip, SPAMtastic Breakfast Burritos, SPAMsational Torpedo Subs, SPAMarific Macaroni Casserole and now having 25% less sodium. GB had the last laugh though as he swapped CP (2007 recipient of Metamucil) on the last trade. BP (wife of CP) was not amused about back to back loser gifts. Since the SPAM is best used before late 2010 CP may bring it back for another appearance next year (if he is allowed to attend by BP after receiving such rough treatment). GB's reward for this great move from CP was a nice wine bottle opener that CP had stolen earlier in the evening from JT in exchange for a Tea for One set.
CL did fine picking up a Red Sox hat despite her #1 draw going from first to last pick by that previously mentioned controversial move (TB on the hot seat for choosing start high but don't worry TB, WL has your back.....)
There was plenty of dancing going on by the Dancing Queens from everything from an eclectic mix of big band tunes to the B52's to Beatles and great dance moves (the lawn sprinkler, the mower, air guitar, fancy footwork) with Jimmy Jazz keeping a hand on the fast forward button to keep the crowd going. We finally had to shut it down just before midnight and call it a night.
Correction to Yankee Swap details for historical accuracy. GB originally drew a bottle of wine on his pick. This was taken away by RS when she drew the SPAM and exchanged with GB.
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