
So, it turns out that time dilation due to velocity is not (!) quite the same as that due to acceleration.
First - due to Velocity: From the great Wiki:
Time dilation is symmetric between two inertial observers
One assumes, naturally enough, that if time-passage has slowed for a moving object, the moving object would find the external world to be correspondingly "sped up." But counterintuitively, Einsteinian relativity predicts the opposite, a situation difficult to visualize. This is based on an essential principle of the overall theory: if one object is moving with respect to another (at an unchanging velocity), the other is equally moving with respect to it.
All that matters is the rate at which observers are moving relative to one another. If A finds that B has undergone a slowdown-in-time during the period of relative motion, it must work out that B will also find that A has a relatively slower "clock." It seems an inconceivable situation: yet the math works out, and actual tests confirm it.
In the Special Theory of Relativity, the observed clock is found to be ticking slow with respect to the observer's clock. Observer A measures (by all methods of measurement) observer B's clocks to be running slow and, similarly, observer B measures observer A's clocks to be running slow.
It turns out that Time dilation in a non-inertial (accelerating) frame acts differently than that in the inertial case. Here it appears that the mythical "person on a spaceship" would age more slowly than a person in a non-accelerating frame.
Unfortunatly, the equations are kinda long - so if you're into it, visit the link.
One final hard-to-believe fact from the great wiki:
...Indeed, a constant 1 g acceleration would permit humans to travel as far as light has been able to since the big bang (some 13.7 billion light years) in one human lifetime. The space-travellers could return to earth billions of years in the future (provided the Universe hadn't collapsed and our solar system was still around, of course). A scenario based on this idea was presented in the novel Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle.
Of course, this is WRONG - 13.7 billion light years is 1.3 x 10^^26 meters, whereas straighforward Newtonian calculations for 100 years of 1 g acceleration would yeild only 4.88 x 10^^19 meters.
-- more later, maybe...
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