Flying Fish

Today (Day 4) was the day of the flying "fish".
First, because they are so darned friendly, morning saw us at Stack 'Em High again - this time with a bigger crowd - around 11:30.
Next was a trip to Kitty Hawk Kites, where we signed up for a 3 O'clock Dolphin Jet Boat tour, once the jet ski idea was quashed. Unfortunately, both of their boats had "technical problems" so we didn't get going until 3:30. Fortunately, the dolphins waited for us. Many were seen. They love to ride the wake of the boat, and our captain didn't disappoint them. Nor did he disappoint the roller coaster or log flume aficionados among us either. Turns out that running a boat at high speed again and again across the wake of another has distinct resemblance to both of those carnival rides.
To end the day, we ended up at Flying Fish Cafe. The crabcakes were very good, the Four Vines "Maverick" Red Zinfandel ("Temperance, like Chastity, is its own punisment") was frankly overpriced, but the black-bean salsa was extraordinaire. Also, we have it on good authority that the scallops with soba was very good. Also the Haddock.
Tomorrow? Perhaps fish in space.
Y'awl come back now, you hear?
Love the food and wine commentary!
I myself got stuffed last weekend full of Crawfish Etouffe, seafood gumbo, and crabcakes. Luckily the scale didn't budge. Thank the gods for high metabolism!
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