Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Winter may be coming

Winter may be coming, but Smashed is out of here for warmer climes for about a week. Hasta la vista, baby! Ciao, bella! Isabella Rossellini! Harry Belafonte!
(And not only am I going, but so are NR and JT. NT is still gone, and so are CC and ED. School will start again after Labor Day).
Pasta Fagioli!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
WL is on Vacation

WL is on Vacation, and while he's not live blogging it, we've already (via RS) gotten an e-postcard from their time at Red Rock Canyon. Who knew WL was such a technophile that he'd drag his laptop along with him... (Or at least seek out a computer at the motel)...
Happy vaca WL - only know that RD had lunch with RS today, and they've set up a tryst at 4:00. Who knows whether RS will even recognize you upon your return.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Friday Cat Blogging, Margarita Edition

Today brings an unusual alignment of the planets.
Due to a fortuitous (for us) scheduling problem at home, CC will be with us today for Tea. This has lead to two decisions by the Committee. First, Tea today will be Margarita flavored. (A blender has even been commandeered for the occasion). Second, Tea time must be advanced one half hour, to 3:30. (Apparently the planets have not aligned perfectly).
Please join us at the usual place.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
PF Visit

PF, of the venerable General and GMS and Affay, will be visiting our humble redoubt on Thursday.
All are invited to lunch with him upon that day. Please let WL know.
(See, the doldrums are ending, just as foretold. Hopefully JF won't be coming along, or that would rate as a hurricane - or so I'm led to believe).

Well, there mustn't be much going on around here lately, because there's been nothing to clutter up this blog for the last week or so.
Have no fear, the post evacuation doldrums will have to fade away sooner or later.
September is the time when the Hurricane season starts up in earnest - perhaps we'll also be in a tempest then.