Thursday, May 04, 2006

That Buddha sure was precocious!

Born in 563 BCE, the wikipedia recounts:

At that moment Siddhārtha was born out of her side. He immediately took seven steps towards each quarter of heaven, and at each step a lotus flower sprung up. He then declared he would have no more births, that this was his last body and he would pluck out by the roots sorrow caused by birth and death.

I guess it was because (the article implies) he was conceived in a novel way:

His mother dreamt one night that an elephant with six tusks and a head the colour of rubies came down from the highest heaven and entered her womb on the right side. Eight Brahmins told her husband the child would be holy and achieve perfect wisdom.

Nonetheless, the main focus of our celebration tomorrow will be Cinqo de Mayo. JT will be bringing the margaritas.



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