Friday, November 18, 2005

Here's to you, Mr. Outside Contractor.

Why do companies bring in outside consultants and contractors? Is it because they are looking to save a little dough, or to remain flexible in the face of changing conditions? Yes, but there's a better reason. To bring in fresh blood - to shake things up a little.

A contractor is never more appreciated than when he claims to have all the answers. It's a tough row to hoe, however, if the rank and file, the old-hands, think they know better. Sisyphus had it easy compared to the contractor in that situation. Take Sisyphus and add a lava flow of molasses coming down that mountain, and you'll start to have an idea of the sort of Herculean task such an unfortunate one would face, day after day, after day. It could give a guy a complex, if he weren't endowed with extraordinary fortitude.

The ability to survey the landscape, pick a direction and set forth, dragging the entire company with you, like a ball and chain manacled to your leg, is the hallmark of the successful contractor. Companies don't really know what they want - it's the job of the contractor to come in, size up the situation, and get to work rescuing the client from itself.

Here's to you, outside contractor, have a Budweiser on us!


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